
Clear Aligners!
Invisible Braces!

Keep up with the Present time! A virtually invisible system to align your teeth, fix the gap, push the front teeth backwards!

Time: 20-30 minutes ( 2-3 sittings)
Cost: 35 k to 350 k

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Dental Examination!

You will be checked for cavities and gum disease and any cosmetic issues with the help of dental X-rays or other diagnostic procedures also a comprehensive treatment plan would be provided to help you with the right decision.

Time: 15-20 minutes
Cost: 200 to 500

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Tooth Gap Filling!

A quick, effective and painless way to subtly enhance the appearance of your smile, fill small gaps between your teeth or smooth over chipped edges.

Time: 45 minutes- 1 hour
Cost: 2.5 k to 4 k

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Dental Veneers!

Brighten your smile with Dental Veneers & boost your self-confidence! Fill minor gaps, fix minor misalignments,treat enamel defects & cover stains/discoloration!

Time: 45 minutes-1 hour (2-3 sittings)
Cost: 10 k to 15 k

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Dental Cleaning!

Lie back comfortably while we remove external tooth stains & deposits before polishing your teeth with a flavoured paste of your choice!

Time: 30- 45 minutes (depending on amount of stains & deposits)
Cost: 1.2 k to 2.2 k

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Smile Makeover!

Procedures done to change your smile to fit your personality,liking & desire, to cover flaws in your teeth you're embarrassed about!

Time: 45 minutes- 1 hour (2-3 sittings)
Cost: 50k to 500 k

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Tooth Whitening!

Try Our Professional Teeth Whitening to Get a bright & sparkly smile on your special occasion!

Time: 1 hour
Cost: 3.5k to 25k

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Dental Braces!

Wearing Orthodontic Braces can fix complex teeth alignment issues with much more precision than other options.They space the teeth more evenly, close up gaps, and correct bite issues.

Time: 1 hour
Cost: 18k to 125k

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Tooth Jewellery!

Add a small twinkle to your smile that would flash every time you smile! A small sparkly crystal/stone is attached to the front surface of your tooth using an adhesive.

Time: 20 - 30 minutes
Cost: 3.5k

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Cosmetic Contouring!

A painless, minimally invasive procedure which involves re-shaping of the outer layer of the tooth to enhance your smile or correct minor flaws in tooth shape/size.

Time: 20- 30 minutes
Cost: 10k

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Crown & Bridges!

Crowns are placed to protect and restore your teeth when fillings give away. A bridge is placed to replace missing tooth or teeth by using multiple crowns connected together.

Time: 30-45 minutes
Cost: 5k to 90 k

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Don’t see what you need? Chances are we do it. Give us a call
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Other services

We offer a full range of preventative, restorative, and cosmetic services.

Our Child specialist is specifically trained to help your kids feel at ease & to be gentle while providing the necessary treatment.

At Facets, we use only tooth coloured fillings. They can be matched to the exact shade of your tooth!

Our Endodontists are highly skilled to relieve any pain that you are facing due to a deep cavity in your tooth! We make sure the entire procedure is completely pain-free!

Smile & Eat with confidence for decades with Our Dental Implants! They are the best after natural teeth!

No bleeding, No stitches, No cuts- Restore the health of your gums or Contour & depigment them to smile freely!